Conservatories with Warm Roofs

If you live in a property with an existing glass roof conservatory, you may find that the structure just doesn’t work for you. Some people opt for a glass roof when having their conservatory built, only to realise that they would rather have had a solid roof. Whatever the circumstances, there are actually plenty of good reasons to have a solid roof conversion on your conservatory. 

A New Solid Roof

Here are three of the best:

1. Return on Investment

It may seem like a waste of money to spend more on a structure which is already adequate. However, you may be surprised to learn that conservatory solid roof conversion cost is not as high as you might have imagined. Additionally, adding a solid roof to your conservatory can add to the overall value of your property, so you may well get a return on your investment, should you ever decide to sell.

2. Heat Loss

With the best will in the world, it’s MUCH harder to insulate a conservatory with a glass roof than one with a solid roof. Although there are ways to shore up any draughts you may have with a glass roof, the rate of heat loss is far higher. Converting to a solid conservatory roof will not only make it easier to heat the structure, but it will also save you money, as less of your heat will be lost.

3. Gain a Room

While many people love having a conservatory, a lot of them admit that their glass-roof structures don’t get as much use during the autumn and winter months. This is because of the heat issues we mentioned above. By adding a solid conservatory roof to your existing structure, you’ll essentially gain another room in your home, or at the very least, a space that you can use all year round.

Get In Touch With Us

For more information or to get a quote, call us on 01603 563 278 or email [email protected].